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Hawk Pride Award

It is an honor to be selected for the Hillview “Hawk Pride Award”. You are looked upon by the staff as a leader on our campus. You have demonstrated leadership by setting an example with class work, the earning of credits, your respectful manner in the classroom or your willingness to help when and wherever you can.

We are proud of you as a student and individual and hope other students strive to earn the status you have deserved.

SEPTEMBER 2023 Hawk Pride Award

Ms. Hastings and Susana Fuentes
Mr. Jennings and Sadie Fowler
Ms. Cardoza and Jennifer Molina Perez
Mr. Ramirez and Zee Gongora
Ms. Barcelo and Shabana Azad
Mr. Edgmond and Jared Esteban Flores
Mr. E and Nathan Teran
Mrs. Wetzel and Brianna Vega


Azad, Shabana - Ms. Barcelo

Cochran, Sean - Mr. B (Not Pictured)

Esteban Flores, Jared - Mr. Edgmond

Flores, Lindsay - Mrs. Chop (Not Pictured)

Fowler, Sadie - Mr. Jennings

Fuentes, Susana - Ms. Hastings

Gongora, Zee - Mr. Ramirez

Loera, Natalie - Mrs. Combest (Not Pictured)

Martinez, Andrew - Mrs. Thede (Not Pictured)

Molina Perez, Jennifer - Ms. Cardoza

Romero, Gabriel - Mr. Bramwell (Not Pictured)

Sanchez Medina, Abigail - Mr. Johnson (Not Pictured)

Teran, Nathan - Mr. E

Vega, Brianna - Mrs. Wetzel

OCTOBER 2023 Hawk Pride Award

Mrs. Thede and Ricky Leon
Mr. Johnson and Hayden Whitecotton
Mr. Jennings and Jocelyn Jacobo
Ms. Hastings and Pedro Martinez
Mr. Edgmond and Ashley Martinez
Mr. E and Stiven Acosta
Mrs. Combest and Joshua Hernandez
Ms. Cardoza and Michelle Mendoza
Mr. Bramwell and Brandy Aranda
Ms. Barcelo and Fathima Garcia
Mr. B and Gustavo Gutierrez


Acosta, Stiven - Mr. E

Aranda, Brandy - Mr. Bramwell

Garcia, Fathima - Ms. Barcelo

Gutierrez, Gustavo - Mr. B

Hernandez, Joshua - Mrs. Combest

Hernandez, Nathan - Mrs. Chop (Not Pictured)

Jacobo, Jocelyn - Mr. Jennings

Leon, Ricky - Mrs. Thede

Martinez, Ashley - Mr. Edgmond

Martinez, Pedro - Ms. Hastings

Mendoza, Michelle - Ms. Cardoza

Whitecotton, Hayden - Mr. Johnson

NOV/DEC 2023 Hawk Pride Award

Mr. Bramwell with Starlah Wilson
Mrs. Thede with Rene Mendoza
Ms. Barcelpo with Natalie Bravo
Mrs. Combest with Luis Lopez
Mr. Ramirez with Julian Mendoza
Mr. E with Jourdain Lopez
Mr. Edgmond with James Ruelas
Ms. Cardoza with Allyson Meas
Mrs. Chop with Albert Osnaya


Boldoni, Sebastian - Mr. B (Not Pictured)

Bravo, Natalie - Ms. Barcelo

Covarrubias, Zuraily - Mrs. Wetzel (Not Pictured)

Cruz, Matthew - Ms. Hastings  (Not Pictured)

Lopez, Jourdain - Mr. E 

Lopez, Luis - Mrs. Combest

Meas, Allyson - Ms. Cardoza

Mendoza, Julian - Mr. Ramirez

Mendoza, Rene - Mrs. Thede

Nava, Manny - Mr. O'D (Not Pictured)

Osnaya, Albert - Mrs. Chop

Perez, Alexander Mr. Jennings (Not Pictured)

Ruelas Zavala, James - Mr. Edgmond

Vilchis, Fernando - Mr. Johnson (Not Pictured)

Wilson, Starlah - Mr. Bramwell (Not Pictured)

JANUARY 2024 Hawk Pride Award

Mr. O'D with Ryan Perez
Mrs. Thede with Jean Pacheco
Mr. Johnson with Alejandro Sixtos
Ms. Hastings with Gema Cadillo
Mr. E with Denise Garcia
Mrs. Combest with Mariana Rojas
Ms. Cardoza with Kimberly Benitez
Mr. Bramwell with Emily Juarez
Mr. B with Janet Figueroa


Benitez, Kimberly - Ms. Cardoza 

Cadillo, Gema - Ms. Hastings

Figueroa, Janet - Mr. B

Gallo, Mario - Mr. Jennings (Not Pictured)

Garcia, Denise - Mr. E

Juarez, Emily - Mr. Bramwell

Nguyen, Jake - Mr. Edgmond (Not Pictured)

Pacheco, Jean - Mrs. Thede

Perez, Ryan - Mr. O'D

Rojas, Mariana - Mrs. Combest

Romero Gutierrez, Nathan - Mrs. Chop (Not Pictured)

Sixtos, Alejandro - Mr. Johnson

MARCH 2024 Hawk Pride Award

Mrs. Wetzel with Brawny Zuniga
Mrs. Combest with Tyler Tandoc
Mrs. Chop with Frank Arces
Mr. E with Krysten Funes
Mr. OD with Angelie Ortiz
Ms. Barcelo with Carmen Murillo
Mrs. Chop with Tyler Kraft
Ms. Barcelo with Emanuel Valencia
Ms. Hastings with Damien Nepomuceno
Ms. Cardoza with Alondra Astorga
Mrs. Thede with Camila Zavala


Arcos, Frank - Mrs. Chop 

Astorga, Alondra - Ms. Cardoza

Funes, Krysten - Mr. E

Golden, Brooklyn - Mr. Johnson (Not Pictured)

Kraft, Tyler - Mrs. Chop

Murillo, Carmen - Mr. B (Pictured with Ms. Barcelo)

Nepomuceno, Damien - Ms. Hastings

Ortiz, Angelie, - Mr. O'D

Shinwari, Alham - Mr. Bramwell (Not Pictured)

Tandoc, Tyler - Mrs. Combest

Valdovinos, Vanessa - Mr. Edgmond (Not Pictured)

Valencia, Emanuel - Ms. Barcelo

Vargas, Miguel - Mr. Ramirez (Not Pictured)

Zavala, Camila - Mrs. Thede

Zuniga, Brawny - Mrs. Wetzel

APRIL 2024 Hawk Pride Award

Ms. Barcelo with Adrian Hernandez
Mr. Edgmond with Artejah Thompson
Mr. E with Jesus Martinez
Mr. B with Julian Lopez
Mr. Johnson with Braulio Reyes
Ms. Watts with Angel Lara
Mr. O'D with Brandon Mena
Mr. O'D with Alexis Vargas
Ms. Watts with Jaret Martinez
Mrs. Chop with Jacob Rodriguez
Ms. Hastings with Kelsey Martinez
Ms. Cardoza with Matthew Angel
Ms. Cardoza with Abigail Vargas
Mrs. Combest with Beverly Vargas
Mrs. Combest with Christian Oliveros
Mrs. Thede with Belinda Perez


Angel, Matthew - Ms. Cardoza

Hernandez, Adrian - Ms. Barcelo

Lara, Angel - Ms. Watts

Lopez, Julian - Mr. B

Martinez, Chris - Mrs. Chop (Not Pictured)

Martinez, Jaret - Ms. Watts

Martinez, Jesus - Mr. E

Martinez, Kelsey - Ms. Hastings

Mena, Brandon - Mr. O'D

Oliveros, Christian - Mrs. Combest

Perez, Belinda - Mrs. Thede

Reyes, Braulio - Mr. Johnson

Rodriguez, Jacob - Mrs. Chop

Thompson, Artejah - Mr. Edgmond

Vargas, Abigail - Ms. Cardoza

Vargas, Alexis - Mr. O'D

Vargas, Beverly - Mrs. Combest