Student Handbook
Welcome to Hillview High School. I hope that this will be an educationally profitable year.
It is clear that employers, colleges, and universities are demanding even higher levels of competence in the ability to read, write, compute, and think. In addition, they are demanding that students be able to use technology effectively in the workplace. Students entering the job market after high school will find that only the most highly qualified graduates are hired for the career path jobs. For those of you going on to two- or four-year colleges, getting a well paying part-time job could provide you the ability to complete your educational goals. At Hillview High School, we are committed to providing a variety of curricular experiences to help a student get back on a path to graduation.
As parents and teachers, we can only do so much. Hillview High School provides the dedicated staff and climate so that students can succeed. We can offer the opportunities, but it is up to the young people to “step up” and get the job done.
If anyone is aware of an individual or condition that could be a danger or negatively affect our school safety, please let me or our staff know as soon as possible. With your help, Hillview will continue to be a safe place to learn and work.
The policies and procedures in this handbook are designed to help the school run smoothly and to ensure that you will have a successful school year. We want you to have an easy adjustment to our school and become an integral part of it.
Your teachers are eager to help you prepare for a successful adult life, so listen well, and study hard. Along with your studies, get involved with the activities that are designed to help you enjoy school life. Remember, your success is directly related to your efforts.
A big part of my job is coordinating our resources to help students, parents, and school staff be successful. If I can be of help, please call me. All of us look forward to serving you and your family.
Mr. Tim O’Donoghue
Parents must keep the school informed of changes in their telephone numbers (home and work) and home address. Our emergency card information must be kept current in the event of an emergency for which the parents must be notified. Your cooperation is needed and appreciated. The office does not release information on your student to individuals not listed on the emergency card.
Students will normally be enrolled in at least five class periods. Students are to be on campus only during their school schedule. Students on a short day must not be on campus until the beginning of their first class and must leave immediately after their last class. Failure to follow these rules may result in disciplinary action including shortening a student’s day or being sent to another school. Every effort will be made to contact the home when a student is absent. Parents are encouraged to call the school after 9:00 a.m. to check to see if their student was present.
To report an absence:
If your child is going to be absent, please call 714-730-7356. A note explaining the absence, signed by the parent, should be sent when the student returns to school. If a student is absent more than three days, a doctor’s note may be required.
Use of the bathroom is encouraged before school, during break, during lunch and after school. Each month students will be given a total of three (3) bathroom requests without a penalty. Each request after three (3) will result in staying twenty minutes after school. Students will leave their phones with the teacher when leaving class to use the bathroom.
Essential School Wide Learning Results:
Our successful accreditation process enabled a thorough examination and discussion of the characteristics of our student population and the purpose of Hillview to support personal growth and academic achievement for all our students.
• What must students know, understand and be able to do by graduation?
• What competencies must students possess to successfully pursue postsecondary education and to enter the workforce?
The answers to the above questions resulted in the following Essential School Wide Learning Results we call ESLR’s outlined on the next page.
Calendar of Events:
Please refer to the website, For the most current information. A Principal’s Update of upcoming events will be sent out about once a month.
Campus Clean-Up:
Students who are sent to the office by teacher referral may be assigned campus clean-up projects, i.e.: picking up trash, washing desks, or cleaning doors or tables.
Closed Campus:
Students are expected to be in their assigned classroom. Students may not leave campus without parent permission. The parking lot is out of bounds. Students are not allowed to go to their cars during class, at snack, or during lunch.
The primary individuals for academic and problem/crises counseling are Ms. Barcelo and Mr. O’Donoghue. Both Ms. Barcelo and Mr. O’Donoghue will assist students with class changes and academic planning. They can also help with problems that affect a student’s performance at school.
Teachers are very active and helpful in the counseling process. Students are encouraged to share their academic goals and concerns with their teachers who work closely with Ms. Barcelo and Mr. O’Donoghue in problem solving. Through our homeroom period, teachers are more involved in academic counseling.
In cooperation with programs both inside and outside the District, there are opportunities for night classes, independent study, ROP, and community college classes. At the teacher’s discretion and with the approval of the principal, a limited number of extra day projects are possible to make up for non-productive days.
Credit Slips:
Based on our 12:1 credit system, there are times that one or two days on the student’s contract go unreported. Since our policy has been to only report credits in six-day increments (1/2 credit), it is understandable that with any given student, we could find a few days overage in any given class. When a credit slip is turned in, the extra days the student has earned will be noted. For example, 5 credits “plus 3 days”. When a student “goes back” or leaves us, the office will add up the extra days and write a credit slip for any accumulated extra “elective” days.
Each student should keep his copies of credit slips issued. Students who keep copies of their credit slips can speed the correction of errors.
Dress Code:
Student Dress Codes are established to:
Ø Promote a productive safe, instructional environment
Ø Demonstrate a positive direction away from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco
Ø Demonstrate a positive direction away from gangs
Ø Promote proper school etiquette, cultural awareness, and respect for gender.
While society reflects a wide range of personal expression in clothing, grooming, and accessories, the quality of student work and behavior is affected by personal appearance. Students are expected to wear clothing that is clean, neat, appropriate, and safe.
To eliminate misinterpretations of the dress code, the following dress standards shall be enforced.
Ø No tight/revealing shirts (undergarments showing, see-through, low-cut, etc.)
Ø Undergarments must be worn at all times but not be visible
Ø No bare midriff/crop tops, (If skin shows when arms are raised to shoulder height, top is too short)
Ø No spaghetti straps or bare shoulders
Ø No halter or swimwear tops
Ø No tube tops or tank tops
Ø No short-shorts, micro-mini skirts or shorts and skirts that are tight or revealing
Ø Shorts have to extend beyond fingertips
Ø No excessively loose or baggy pants/shorts, (Pants/shorts may not exceed more than two sizes of the student’s actual size.)
Ø Hems must be sewn; no frayed, split, or pinned legs
Ø Pants may not drag on the ground
Ø Pants/shorts may not allow undergarments to be exposed
Ø No excessively long, untied, or dangling belts
Ø Overall straps must be worn over the shoulders and buttoned
Ø Pants worn excessively low are considered a form of sexual harassment
Ø Pajamas or lounging pants are not acceptable.
Ø No head coverings of any type- no scarves, knit stocking caps or bandanas. The only exception is for religious purposes. Hats should be out of sight in student’s backpack or can be left in the front office during the school day.
Ø Footwear which is safe for school activities must be worn at all times,
Ø No slippers.
Gang-Related Attire:
Ø No oversized tan, gray, or black cotton work pants (pleats hand-folded)
Ø No metal belt buckles with engraving
Ø No hairnets, wave caps or do-rags
Ø No shorts with high top socks.
Ø Nothing deemed gang related by law enforcement
Other Items:
Jewelry, chains, or accessories which pose a threat to school safety, accessories, or grooming identified by appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials as being gang- related may not be worn at any time. Clothing and accessories associated with violence, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, obscenity, bigotry, and sexual harassment or worn in a sexually harassing way will not be worn at any time. The dress code may change as local law enforcement deems appropriate. Any piece of clothing, hair style or item in the student’s possession that the principal feels will distract or is potentially gang related from the learning process will not be allowed.
Elections/Award Selection:
Specific criteria will be advertised i.e., behavior, attendance, credit productivity.
Field Trips:
Specific criteria will be advertised prior to the selection of students, i.e., behavior, attendance, grades, credit productivity. Students must have permission slips completed and signed by parent the day before the trip. All school rules are in affect on field trips.
Food and Drinks:
During the morning break and at lunch, items to eat and drink are available for you to purchase. You must consume what you buy during the break and at lunch. Food sales will stop 5 minutes before the end of break and lunch. No food or drinks are to be consumed in the classroom.
The vending machines are programmed to operate before school, break, lunch, and after school. Outside food/drink brought on campus must be consumed before going to class. Outside food/drink brought on campus for lunch or snack must be given permission from the administration, except individual sack lunches. Violators are subject to disposal of their beverages and possible disciplinary action.
Free/Reduced Lunch Program:
Delivery of food from Uber Eats or any outside vendor is NOT ALLOWED. All deliveries will be returned.
Hillview has a special grant, and all students will be given breakfast and lunch at no cost.
Grad Night:
Only Hillview students who are online to graduate can participate in Grad Night. A non-Hillview High School student guest will be permitted to accompany a Hillview graduating student only if the guest is a graduating student from another school. Priority will be to Hillview students.
Grading System:
In general, twelve productive days give students the opportunity to earn 1 credit. The grade earned for that credit depends on the quality and quantity of work produced, performance on tests, or graded activities. Lack of attendance for any reason negatively affects the opportunity for productive days.
Individual teachers will give each of their students a “Letter of Expectation” outlining specifically how credits and grades are earned in their class. Teachers establish minimum standards for acceptable work. If students do not meet the minimum standards on an assignment, the teacher may offer students the opportunity to re-do the work. Upon request of a student and at the teacher’s option, there can be an opportunity to earn additional “productive days.”
Health Information:
Parents should be aware that a registered nurse is normally not on duty on the school campus. In case of an accident or illness the office staff will try to contact the parents. In serious situations requiring complex first aid procedures, the Orange County paramedics (911) will be called for assistance.
If a student is taking medication prescribed by a doctor, the medication, accompanied by a doctor’s note, must be stored in the office in a locked cupboard. The student will be excused from class, if necessary, to take medication during the school day. Non-prescription drugs, with parent written authorization, may be used for 3-5 days only. If they are to be used for a longer time, a doctor’s authorization is needed. There are no over-the-counter medications, (i.e. aspirin, Tylenol or cough syrup) available in the office.
Every effort will be made to contact parents or guardians in case of student illness or accident. Parents should be aware that in the event paramedics are called, a fee for the service may be charged. It is very important that parent contact information be kept up to date.
Students must stay home if they are feeling ill or have a temperature.
Laptop Computers:
All students will be issued a laptop computer that they will use in class and allowed to take home. Students are responsible for the cost of the laptop if it is lost, stolen, or damaged. We strongly recommend that families purchase Insurance offered by TUSD.
Late Start:
School will start at 9:40a.m. and end at regular time, 2:30p.m. each Thursday. Students should not be on campus until 9:10a.m. Any other change in the start or end time of school will be announced. Please call the school if you have questions or would like to verify a special schedule day.
Out of Class Pass:
Students may leave class only with permission from the teacher and with a hall pass. Students out of class without permission may be considered to be cutting class and be subject to search and disciplinary action. Each month of the school year students will be given three (3) free bathroom passes. On the fourth time and every time thereafter, students will be assigned a 20 minute detention after school. If a student has a medical condition requiring them to use the bathroom more frequently, he/she needs to bring in a doctor’s note. Students are required to leave their phone with the teacher when given a bathroom pass.
Parking at Hillview High School is limited and is a privilege, not a right. Students must park in the assigned areas of students. To park in the school parking lot, a student must have a valid California Driver’s License and proof of insurance. If asked, a student must be able to produce both documents. By parking a car at Hillview High School, a student agrees to abide by school rules. If there is suspicion that a student is in violation of school, district, or state law, the student agrees to have the vehicle searched. Excessive speed and/or reckless driving can result in the loss of on-campus parking privileges. Students are not allowed to sit in cars before and after school.
The prom is open to any Hillview student in good standing. Guests from other schools are permitted with signed approval from their school, a copy of their ID and pre-approval from a Hillview administrator. Guests not in school must meet with an administrator to present an ID and to be pre-approved. A student must adhere to all district and school rules on the way to the event and on the way home from the event.
Students who want to transfer back to their home comprehensive high school at the beginning of either semester may do so, after making up any missing credits and getting back on schedule to graduate. Students will need permission from the school they want to attend. Students must attend the final semester at their home high school if they plan to participate in the home high school graduation program. Seniors returning to the comprehensive high school must have all “A” or “B” grades in Math/English/Science/Social Studies.
Visitors on Campus:
In accordance with California State law, any person coming on the school grounds during school hours must first report to the office to secure permission to be on the grounds to conduct any business or to see a teacher. The teacher will be contacted to help determine if it is appropriate for the person to be on campus. Only the parent on the enrollment/emergency form can ask to see a student.
Work Experience & Work Permits
Student must be enrolled in the Work Experience class to get work experience credit. For every 100 hours of paid work hours, students will earn 5 credits. A maximum of 10 Work Experience credits can be earned per semester. School attendance is very important to earn full work experience credit. If a student does not have good school attendance, he/she will not earn full credit. In addition, a student must have good attendance to be issued a Hillview work permit. Students do not need a work permit to interview for a job. Once an employer agrees to hire you, notify the office to obtain your work permit.
Student Responsibility:
All students are expected to respect others, follow the rules and regulations of the Board of Education, the school administration, the teachers, and other adult staff members. Students are required to work towards graduation and to contribute to a good school climate. Rules are not made to confine, but to help to smooth the flow of each school day. If you have questions, feel free to ask any adult staff member.
Parent Responsibility:
All parents are expected to know the academic, behavior, and attendance status of their student. It is the parent’s obligation to work with Hillview to develop good behavior habits and attitudes in their student. Parents need to attend Back to School night as well as Fall & Spring Report Card Nights. If a student has attendance problems, parents should call after 9:00 a.m. each day to check on attendance.
Parents may be required to attend school with their student if behavior is inappropriate.
School Responsibility:
It is the school’s responsibility to provide a safe learning environment. The adult staff shall provide positive models for students to follow and the opportunity for students to accelerate the earning of credit.
School pride and good behavior is important and is expected. Your behavior is a contribution to our school image and our community. Good behavior is a prerequisite for participation in activities. Students who have outstanding behavior records, in addition to outstanding academic records, qualify for special awards upon graduation.
In developing self-discipline, students must assume increasing responsibility for their own behavior. They are expected to obey all rules and regulations developed by the District and each individual campus for the orderly operation of the educational program. When a student violates these rules and regulations, the parents and all school personnel have a shared responsibility in taking necessary action to correct the student’s behavior. Every reasonable effort shall be made to change a student’s inappropriate behavior through alternative means before implementing more severe action, such as: suspension; expulsion; or, transfer to another school program in or out of the Tustin School District.
The guidelines below describe what will be done in most cases; however, exceptions may require more severe action. The lists below are not in order. Violations may result in one or a combination of the listed consequences.
Continued violations of the same rule constitutes defiance and disrespect, and could be subject to an off-campus suspension.
Hillview High School’s Discipline Points Policy
Students begin their time at Hillview with 0 Discipline Points.
· If a student commits an infraction, the assigned Discipline Point value of the infraction will be documented in his or her discipline log.
· When student accrues 5 points, the parents will be called and notified.
· If a student accrues 10 Discipline Points, a parent conference will be required to discuss infraction or infractions, and parents, and students will be reminded of 20 Discipline Point transfer policy. A contract will be signed.
· If a student accrues 20 Discipline Points, she or he may be transferred from Hillview.
· Tustin Unified School District’s discipline policy supersedes Hillview’s discipline policy.
20 Points |
Category 1:
1. Fighting/Assault 2. Selling Drugs 3. Possession of a Weapon |
10 Points |
1. Possession of or Ingestion of Alcohol/Drugs/Drug Paraphernalia 2. Threatening/Confrontation/Intimidation at Staff 3. Tobacco/Vape Paraphernalia or Smoking 4. Possession of or Lighting of Fireworks 5. Possession of Illegal Contraband (pornography, etc.) 6. Sexual Harassment 7. Stealing 8. Major Vandalism
5 Points |
1. Defiance/Insubordination (Includes Refusing to give Phone to Staff) 2. Disrespect 3. Leaving Campus without Permission 4. Major Profanity 5. Minor Vandalism 6. Leaving Classroom without Teacher’s Permission |
2 Points |
1. Class Disturbance 2. Personal Electronics Device Policy Violation 3. Minor Profanity 4. Dress Code Violation |
Academic Integrity Policy:
At Hillview High School, academic integrity and honesty are highly prized. Unless sources are documented, a student’s name on a school paper, extra assignment project, test, or quiz implies that the work is his or hers alone.
The faculty will not tolerate cheating, copying, or plagiarism. We wish to foster and evaluate student learning and student work. Cheating, copying, and plagiarism include, but are not limited to the following:
Ø Copying another student’s work or allowing another student to copy work.
Ø Using unauthorized materials, such as notes or books, during a classroom test or quiz.
Ø Using others’ words without giving credit to the source, (e.g., copying a phrase, sentence, or paragraph from a periodical, book, or the Internet without quotation marks and documentation.)
The consequences for violating the school’s academic integrity policy are:
The first violation in each course will result in a failing grade on the specific assignment on which cheating occurred. A documented teacher contact with the student and his/her parent(s) will follow the first violation to ensure that all parties understand the severity of the consequence for a second violation. A referral or notation will be placed in the student’s discipline file documenting the first violation.
The second violation in a course will result in a failing grade on the specific assignment on which the cheating occurred. In addition to the failing grade, the student will receive an F for 12 days work. The student and his/her parents will be informed when the second violation occurs.
Alcohol / Drugs / Drug Paraphernalia:
Violation Education Code 48900I:
First offense: Student referred to ATS Program (Alternative to Suspension)
Police called – police report filed if necessary
Second Offense: Police called – police report filed if necessary
Alternative to Suspension Program or Suspension.
Recommendation to different educational setting.
This is a zero-tolerance district. Any alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia could result in a recommended expulsion. Also, any student who is suspected to be in possession or under the influence of alcohol is subject to a breathalyzer test.
Alternative Placement Options:
1. Referral to Student Placement Review Committee, (SPRC)
2. OCDE placement i.e., ACCESS
3. Transfer to Tustin Connect or Hillview Independent Study
4. Possible transfer to Adult Education
Backpacks/Skateboards/Electronic items:
Backpacks are subject to search. Theft and security are major concerns. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.
Cell Phones/IPod/Electronic Devices:
All devices need to be out of sight and powered off during class. If a device is in sight or goes off or is used in the classroom during class time, it will be confiscated. Devices will be returned 30 minutes after the end of the school
day. If continued problems arise, then a parent conference will be scheduled or possible suspension. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Class Cuts:
First offense: Warning/counseling/possible search/suspension for defiance/loss of credit.
Second offense: Parent conference/possible search
Third offense: In-house suspension – after school work detail/possible search
Fourth offense: Suspension – after school work detail/possible search
Fifth offense: SARB
Class Disturbance/Not following Directions:
First offense: Teacher handles – informational referral, possible written paper on class behavior, parent contact
Second offense: Referral to administration:
Ø Teacher/parent/student conference
Ø Possible schedule change or suspension
Ø After school or lunch detention
Third offense: Referral to administration:
Ø Teacher/parent/student conference.
Ø Possible schedule change or suspension.
Ø After school work detail
Fourth offense: Removal from class/removal from Hillview
First offense: Teacher handles –contact parent or
informational referral. Serious defiance could result in suspension or being sent home for the day...
Second offense: Referral to administration:
Ø Teacher/parent/student conference
Ø Possible schedule change or suspension
Ø After school work detail
Ø Parent contact
Third offense: Parent conference/possible removal from class/removal from Hillview
First offense: Teacher handles – informational referral, parent contact. Serious disrespect could result in suspension or being sent home for the day.
Second offense: Referral:
Ø Teacher/parent/student conference
Ø Possible schedule change
Ø Lunch time detention.
Third offense: Removal from class/removal from Hillview
Dress Code:
First offense: Warning/change clothes/sent home to change with parent permission/possible parent contact
Second offense: Warning/change clothes/parent contact/sent home to change with parent permission
Third offense: Parent conference
Fourth offense: Suspension from school
Verbal Confrontation: Counseling, possible suspension or sent home for the day.
First offense: Suspension off campus 1-5 days/parent conference and most likely being dropped from
Fireworks – Possession or Lighting:
First offense: 1-5 day suspension from school/Parent contact and possibly dropped from Hillview
Possible Fire Marshall Report
Second offense: SPRC
Possible Fire Marshall Report
First offense: Warning to student/parent notification/contribution of funds to ASB
Second offense: 1–5-day suspension/possible SPRC
Leaving Campus without Permission:
First offense: Warning/counseling/possible search/possible suspension for defiance/lunch or after school detention.
Second offense: Parent conference/possible suspension/In-house suspension, after schoolwork detail
Third offense: Suspension / discipline transfer
Limited Days of Productivity:
Students who are not getting work done will have a parent conference and will take around a daily Progress Report. If not progressing student will be required to stay after school to get work done. If student is still not working, he/she will be referred to another educational program.
Pens / Markers / Felt Pens / White-out:
These items are not allowed on campus under any circumstances. If a student is caught with these, they are subject to disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, work detail, in-house suspension, or suspension from school. Only a pencil should be brought to school.
Profanity in Classroom / Obscene Gesture:
First offense: Teacher handles – informational referral/possible suspension
Second offense: Referral:
Ø Teacher/parent/student conference
Ø Possible schedule change
Ø Before or after school work detail/detention
Ø 1-5 day suspension or student will be sent home for the day
Third offense: Removal from class.
Property / Book /Computer Damage:
First offense: Monetary fine/possible suspension/after school work detail/ possible police report filed/parent contact
Second offense: Monetary fine/police report filed/parent contact
Third offense: Monetary fine/removal from school – police report
Search of Students:
School staff has a greater right to search students at school or school events than law enforcement personnel. Law enforcement personnel need probable cause to conduct a search. In support of school safety, school staff need “reason to believe” or suspicion” to conduct a search of a student. Reason to believe, can be information coming from a parent, another student, observation of a person in the community or information from other schools. Suspicion means that the student could have been out of class without permission, late to school or class, been in an unsupervised area. Violation of school rules can cause school staff to be suspicious and cause the student to be searched. The best way to reduce the chance of being searched is to be on time to class, follow school rules and not draw negative attention in class, on campus or in the community.
Sexual Harassment:
Types of conduct which are prohibited, and which may constitute sexual harassment of students include, but are not limited to:
Ø Unwelcome sexual flirtations or propositions
Ø Comments repeatedly emphasizing the sexuality or sexual identity of an individual
Ø Graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body
Ø Persistent request for social-sexual encounters and favors
Ø Physical contact of a lewd type
Ø Verbal abuse of a sexual nature
Ø Display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures in the educational environment
Ø Indecent exposure, realized sexual encounters, or sexual crimes and rape
Ø Indecent exposure violations of the dress code.
Complaints should be reported to an administrator, a counselor, teacher, or a parent who reports the violation to the school.
Verbal Minor complaint: Warning
First offense: 5-day suspension from school.
(Written complaint) Possible recommendation for expulsion police report
Second offense: 5-day suspension from school, recommended
(Written complaint) expulsion, police report
First offense: 3-5 day off-campus suspension/police report/parent contact/possible alternative placement
Second offense: 5-day suspension/possible expulsion/police report/parent contact/possible alternative placement
Third offense: 5-day suspension/SPRC/alternative placement/expulsion/police report
Suspected Property Damage:
First offense: Counseling/warning/Parent conference/suspension/school work detail/possible alternative placement
Second offense: Parent conference/suspension – police report/possible alternative placement
Third offense: Removal from school – police report.
Tardy 1-2 Teacher will handle/possible search/loss of ¼ credit each time – lunch time detention
Tardy 3 Teacher will handle – parent contact/loss of ¼ credit each time
Tardy 4 Referral to administrator/counselor – parent contact/loss of ¼ credit each time
Tardy 5 Possible SARB or loss of class
A student caught in a Tardy Sweep will serve detention after school.
Threatening Confrontation with Staff:
Police report/suspension/probable removal from Hillview.
Any smoking, chewing, vaping, or possession of tobacco on campus, in the parking lot, sidewalk, or in the vicinity of school is prohibited by law. This includes electronic cigarettes.
First offense: Possible 3–5-day suspension/parent conference/possible search
Second offense: Possible discipline transfer
First offense: Warning/counseling/possible search
Second offense: Parent conference
Third offense: Attendance contract
Fourth offense: Removal from class or parent attend class with student
Fifth offense: SARB
If the student has been told not to leave campus, the student can be suspended for defiance.
First offense: 5-day suspension from school – recommended expulsion
Police called – police report filed